What We Believe

Ministry Statement of Harlem Reformed Church:

The purpose of Harlem Reformed Church is to bring glory to God. Harlem Church affirms the Christian faith as it is revealed in scripture and has been expressed in the words of the Apostles’ Creed. We believe and declare that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was sent of the Father into the world. He proclaimed the gospel in word and deed, and willingly gave his life on the cross as an atoning sacrifice for our sin.

He rose from the dead, ascended to the Father and will come again as judge of the living and the dead. Each person who believes in him as Savior and Lord has been saved from the wrath of God, which is their rightful due, and has been given eternal life and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. As a congregation that loves and serves Jesus Christ, Harlem Reformed Church is a learning, loving, worshipping, and witnessing congregation.

Acts 2:42-47 describes the way these characteristics marked the first gathering of Christians. These will continue to be important ways that growth and maturity will be evidenced in our congregation as we minister in the Name of Jesus Christ.

A Learning Congregation

They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching.

Growth in understanding, applying, and obeying God’s Word has been and will be at the foundation of our ministry. This will occur during corporate worship, in small group settings (Bible Studies, sharing groups, Sunday School classes) and in one-to-one relationships. It is a priority for each member to know Christ and make Him known. This will occur as young and old alike are taught the truths of God’s Word and urged to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

A Loving Congregation

They devoted themselves to the fellowship.

Harlem Reformed Church is a family oriented church. Many who have come to faith or have transferred into our fellowship have shared how Harlem Church is like a family. One of the strengths of Harlem Church is the way in which the congregation shares their lives with each other. Fellowship times and meals with each other provide avenues for communication, care and encouragement to be expressed. Such loving care is expressed most clearly in times of hardship as well as joy. We are becoming a fellowship that can truly rejoice with those who rejoice and sorrow with those who sorrow. Through various caring and support ministries we seek to share Christ’s love, stay connected and build each other up.

A Worshipping Congregation

They devoted themselves to the breaking of bread and to the prayers.

Harlem Reformed Church meets together to worship God. In worship, we open our hearts to God in song and in prayer, we study the Word of God, we share in the celebration of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, we call people to commitment and encourage each other in our walk with God. The kind of worship that God seeks is worship in spirit and in truth. Our desire is that each service of worship will be Christ centered, Holy Spirit directed and biblically relevant. Worship at Harlem is not limited to Sunday Services. Worship becomes a part of many gatherings of all sorts and sizes at Harlem Church.

A Witnessing Congregation

And the Lord added to their number daily.

Harlem Reformed Church has a desire to make known the good news of Jesus Christ. Through the missionaries we help to support, the gospel is being proclaimed in word and in deed around the world. We are not only called to support the work of evangelism and missions, we are called to be witnesses to the Lord’s saving work in our lives. We expect that God will continue to grow our congregation as each member shares with the people around them the wonderful things that God has done. Further, we expect that the people in our neighborhood and area will be blessed by activities and events at Harlem Church facilities. Through it all, we expect that God will equip, call, and send members of our church to work in Christian missions and ministries around the world.