I’m New Here


We are glad you have found our website and we hope to meet you in person soon. We hope this page will answer any questions you might have, but if you have any more questions please give us a call (616-399-1767) or send us an email, we would love to hear from you!

Harlem strives to be a friendly and welcoming church. In worship, we open our hearts to God in song and in prayer, we study the Word of God, we share in the celebration of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, we call people to commitment and encourage each other in our walk with God. Our worship is a mix between contemporary songs and traditional hymns. Our morning service is from 9:30 to about 10:30. During this time, we have made adjustments to help guard each other’s health.

Following each morning service we have a time of fellowship. The nursery is open and available for babies and children up through four years old. We also have other ministries throughout the week. You can find information about them on the Harlem Happenings which can be found on the home page. If you aren’t comfortable coming to worship in-person, you can view videos of past services as well as the live stream each Sunday morning on our YouTube page or Facebook.

Follow these links if you’d like to learn about our beliefs or meet our staff.